Pampanito Overnight




Come aboard the USS Pampanito and go back in time to World War II when she patrolled Japanese waters searching for enemy ships! Spend the night in the same bunks used by the Submariners, enjoy a personalized tour from bow to stern including the engine room, Torpedo Room, Control Room, and Conning Tower, and take in the sights of the San Francisco waterfront. Open to all organized groups. (More about the Pampanito.)



The USS Pampanito Overnight Program is open to all organized youth groups that meet our insurance requirement and group ratio rules.  We require an adult/child ratio of 1:6, and a minimum of 7 adults with any-sized group.  The largest group we can accommodate is 35 visitors.  The minimum age to participate is 6 years old.  We do not allow siblings unless they are a member of the visiting group such as a Boy Scout or Girl Scout Pack or Troop.


If your own organization has stricter ratio requirements (For example, Cub Scouts require a 1:1 adult/youth ratio), please adhere to your own organization’s rules.

The program timeline is 6.30pm to 9:00am the following day.  Please refer to the manual for details.


Participants will:

  • Receive overnight accommodations onboard the World War II submarine USS Pampanito, sleeping in bunks in the original crew or officer’s quarters.
  • Depending on the wishes of the group, qualified instructors will lead the group on a guided tour of the vessel or the visitors may listen to the audio tour offered to the public during the USS Pampanito’s normal business operation.
  • Guided tour of off-limit compartments such as the Conning Tower and Gun Deck (weather permitting)–our knowledgeable staff can provide inside information on the many different systems and pieces of equipment aboard the submarine.
  • Hear the story of the USS Pampanito and submarines in World War II, the daily lives of the submarine crews, and the advanced technology crammed in every compartment.

Please refer to the Overnight Encampment manual for further details on the timeline of the program.  Education staff at USS Pampanito are very flexible, if you have a specific request or scheduling need please reach out to:

Education Director Laura DeFelice (415-740-2699)


The visiting group is provided with 2 parking spaces inside Shed A on Pier 45.  As of February 2020, the parking situation at Pier 45 changed.  Please wait by the front gate and look out for a USS Pampanito Education Staff member who will assist you at 6:30pm, the earliest possible time to park.  These overnight passes are included in your trip cost and allow overnight parking up to 9:00am at the latest. All other vehicles will need to find overnight parking accomodations at their own expense.

Please see the Parking Map for specific details of how to arrive by private vehicle.  Visiting groups are encouraged to carpool, take public transit such as SF Muni, the BART, as well as the Ferry.  We are located next to Pier 43 and a 30-minute walk from the Embarcadero.  Please visit Red & White and Blue & Gold Ferry websites for specific scheduling.


Map and Parking Guide


An important role that the adults serve during their time aboard USS Pampanito is conducting Nightwatch.  Nightwatch is important to ensure the safety of the group.  There must be at least one adult awake from 11:00pm to 7:00am the following day.  Participation of adults (18 and older) is MANDATORY, but the participation of Minors (18 and below) is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED but not mandatory.  The purpose of this watch is to ensure that everyone is safe, to intervene in case of a medical emergency, to begin evacuation of the vessel in case of fire, flood, or earthquake.  There is always a USS Pampanito Deckhand on staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but this staff member will not enter the sleeping compartments unless it is absolutely necessary.  The sleeping areas are the responsibility of the adult group leaders and chaperones to maintain the peace and to promptly clean up any spills.   USS Pampanito staff are here to help at any time, day or night.



The cost to participate in a weekend overnight encampment is a flat fee of $1,250 for up to 25 participants.  Add $50 per person for 26-35 participants, maximum group size is 35.


The cost to participate in a weekday overnight encampment is a flat fee of $1,000 for up to 25 people.  Add $35 per person for 26-35 participants, maximum group size is 35.


Deposit Information

When booking an Education Program at USS Pampanito, the required deposit is the program minimum charge.  For example, if a group wishes to book a Pampanito Youth Encampment on the Weekend, the minimum deposit to book is $1,250 with the remainder of the invoice due within 90 days of the program date.

This deposit is nonrefundable within 90 days of the program date. Cancellations must be made and acknowledged in writing by both parties.  If the program is cancelled due to inclement weather, closure of the USS Pampanito due to emergency maintenance & repair, natural disaster such as fire or earthquake, or otherwise a reason outside of both parties control, then full effort will be made for a complete refund or accommodating the group at a different date.


Make Deposit Check Payable To SFMNPA And Mail Deposit/Contract To:

SFMNPA ATTN: Education
P.O. Box 470310
San Francisco, CA

Please note your group’s name and date of visit on your check!


Please contact Education Director Laura DeFelice with any questions about booking or the deposit policy.

Phone: (415) 740-2699




Cancellation of a program less than 90 days prior to the program date will hold the group responsible for the full cost of the program base rate.

Notice of cancellation must be made and acknowledged in writing by both parties.

On very rare occasions, inclement weather may cause conditions hazardous enough to necessitate closure of the boat. In such cases every effort will be made to provide scheduled groups with advance notice so that they can reschedule their visit or, if they choose, cancel altogether and receive a full refund of their deposit. The Maritime Park Association will not be responsible for any other inconveniences or consequences arising from the cancellation of a group’s visit.


You are required to furnish the following:

  • A current, valid insurance certificate.  If your group is a California Boy or Girl Scouts of America group we may have a copy of your Council office’s Certificate of Insurance on file.  (Important: The Certificate of Insurance should be in the amount of $1 million for bodily injury and property damage, and should list the San Francisco Maritime National Park Association as an additional insured.)
  • Complete Medical and Liability forms for all participants, both adult AND minor. (these can be found in the Overnight Encampment Manual).
  • Signed acknowledgement of the Safety Procedures and Rules Of Conduct. This form is also located in the Manual and due on the day of the program.
  • Night Watch Roster (this is a required activity by the adults)

No group may board the vessel until all these forms have been received. The Overnight Encampment Manual provides more detailed information about our program and the aforementioned forms.  You are responsible for reading it in advance of your visit and collecting all completed forms prior to check-in.


Please reach out to Education Director Laura DeFelice (415-740-2699) with any questions about the required documentation.



Think of your visit to USS Pampanito as a camping trip.  Each visitor will be responsible for bringing his or her own sleeping bag, blankets, pillows, etc. The bunks onboard the submarine do not have sheets or blankets.  Camping bedding like sleeping bags are recommended.   Pier 45 is very cold at night but the submarine itself maintains a stable temperature in crew’s berthing.

Space onboard USS Pampanito is very limited, please choose carefully what you bring with you.  The watertight doors measure 2 feet by 3 feet, large rigid suitcases may have issues fitting inside the submarine.  Just like the submarine sailors used back in World War II, duffel bags or backpacks are recommended.


Personal Items:

  • Sleeping Mask (the berthing areas will not become completely dark due to Fire Code requirements)
  • Personal Toiletries
  • Warm layers (The submarine itself is fairly warm but nights next to the water become very cold)
  • Flashlight or Headlamp
  • Cameras (USS Pampanito is declassified; take as many photos as you like!)
  • Cards, board games, books, dice, etc.


Group Items:

  • First Aid Kit
  • Food for the Evening and Breakfast


Contraband (Prohibited Items):

  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco Products (Cigarettes or Electronic vaporizers are prohibited on and off the boat)
  • Chewing gum
  • Nuts with hard shells like pistachios and sunflowers (The shells can fall below decks and jam equipment)



Each group is responsible for arranging for their meals (dinner & breakfast) prior to and after the program. Because of time limitations, participants must eat prior to your arrival in the evening and after your departure in the morning, as there are no special in/out privileges for individuals once the program begins, as our pier gate is locked. Please be advised that there is no cooking allowed on board the submarine.

You are encouraged to bring prepared foods on board the submarine for snacks. When selecting foods to bring, consider ease of clean up as you will be responsible for any spills. If you bring food, you will also need to provide your own paper plates, cups, flatware, towels, etc. There is no refrigeration available, so be sure to bring a cooler for perishables. Do not bring portable gas stoves, barbecue grills, etc.  Avoid foods that fall into small crevices, such as popcorn, trail mix, etc.

Eating space is available in the Triangle Space at the forepier where there are tables and chairs.   Please note, there is no food permitted and only water allowed on the submarine and individuals may not carry open drinks through the submarine.

We will provide a 30-cup hot water urn for use in preparing hot beverages. We will also supply instant coffee, tea and cocoa (including cups) for your group–if you don’t see it already out in the crew’s mess area, just ask.


Suggestions for snacks:

  • Late night snack – bring submarine sandwiches, fruit, cheese and crackers, order pizza (see our staff before ordering)
  • Breakfast – muffins, sweet rolls, fruit, donuts, bagels and cream cheese



The Calendar fills quickly! Please fill out the APPLICATION to begin your reservation. 

For more information or to make reservations, please contact Education Director, Laura DeFelice

Phone: (415) 740-2699



Overnight Manual


Does the submarine drive around like a regular boat?  Does the submarine dive?

No, the submarine is essentially a floating museum, it is permanently moored to Pier 45.  And no, it cannot dive. It has been meticulously restored and preserved for the safety of visitors and staff. It is essentially impossible to dive the submarine in its current condition.


I have concerns that some members of my group that don’t like enclosed spaces will become claustrophobic during their visit, how cramped is the submarine?

Please contact Education Director Laura DeFelice to discuss possible solutions.  We can’t open up the submarine or tear out the watertight doors, certain aspects of the submarine are historically accurate in that it was a cramped and claustrophobic environment for its submarine sailors on a war patrol.  But here at Pampanito we urge you to consider that it is an open museum, you are free to leave to get fresh air on the submarine, get a bunk that is close to an exit to make it easy to walk to the pier.  Also, it is an opportunity to experience sleeping on a submarine, give it a try!  Visitors are not required to sleep onboard if they are uncomfortable during the tours.

If a member of the group cannot participate, we have 360-degree panoramic photographs of every compartment and our audio tour is a free download off of our website so they can experience the submarine from the comfort of their home PC or tablet.  Visit for further links to the photos and audio tour.


I have members of my group that have mobility issues, will they be able to participate?

We do our absolute best to try and provide full access to everyone, but unfortunately we are not wheelchair accessible.  Our seven watertight doors measure 2’x3’ and can be difficult for individuals to step through as they walk through the boat.

Please contact Education Director Laura DeFelice to discuss possible solutions

As per the section above, we have 360-degree panoramic photographs of every compartment and our audio tour is a free download off of our website so they can experience the submarine from the comfort of their home PC or tablet.  Visit for further links to the photos and audio tour.


Is there cellular service inside the boat?  How do I charge my electronics?

No, there is no service inside the submarine.  It is recommended that you keep your phone on airplane mode to prevent the battery draining.  If you need to make a phone call or receive an important message, talk to USS Pampanito crew and they can make arrangements.  Please do not plug in your charger into random outlets.  Your charger may damage the submarine’s circuits!  ASK BEFORE YOU PLUG!


Can I make a quick trip outside Pier 45 once the program is over?

No.  We have a strict “No Ins or Outs” policy in order to keep the Pier and the submarine secure after the gates have been shut and we are closed to the public.  This is to ensure no trespassers endanger your group or the boat.  If someone needs to leave the submarine, they can return at 9am when we open the gates for business.  Obviously, if someone has an emergency they are free to leave but groups should be prepared for the duration of their stay.


Can I stay parked after 9am?  We just wanted to make a quick trip to the…

Unfortunately, no.  We have limited spaces that are reserved for staff who will rotate in the evening and again in the morning.


I have a group size under the program minimum of 25, can I pay a lower rate?

We charge a program minimum for 25 to cover staffing costs, maintenance, wear and tear on the boat, etc.


I have a group that is over 35, can my group sleep on the floor?

Unfortunately, 35 is the absolute limit as per Fire Code regulations.  If you have more than 35 we recommend booking two programs.