Life on the Barbary Coast




Throughout the 4-hour program, students explore maritime history by becoming “sailors” themselves; as they learn the language of the sea, the skills needed to row and maneuver a one-ton longboat, or the confidence and teamwork to raise each other off the deck in a Bosun’s chair, they become a part of this history.





10:00am to 2:15pm

Check In at 9:45 am


By requiring the students to be active during the program, emphasis is placed on building self-esteem, a sense of responsibility, respect and cooperative learning skills. These skills are not just useful on the vessel or in the classroom, but throughout the students’ entire lives.


Group Size and Cost:

Your group can be 20 to 35 students and 4 to 8 adults

Flat fee $1,250 for up to 27 students

28-35 students add $50 each; adults are free (max 8 adults)


Teachers Manual  Supplemental Activities


The Calendar fills quickly! Call Now to make a reservation.

For more information or to make reservations, please contact Education Director, Laura DeFelice.

Phone: (415) 740-2699



This document summarizes how the Life on the Barbary Coast Program offered by the San Francisco Maritime National Park Association address CA content-area standards.


CA Ed Standards